Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find a list of complete and convenient answers. Don’t forget, that our experts are best placed to answer your questions.
Am I able to have driving lessons in my own/family or friends car?
Walkley Driving School can offer driving lessons in customers' own/ family/ friend vehicles, but for G1 license holders, we prefer vehicles equipped with dual breaks and a school sign. The instructor might inspect the customer's vehicle before any driving lessons to make sure it meets the following requirements:
  • The vehicle has valid registration and displayed appropriately
  • The vehicle has comprehensive insurance
  • The tyres are correctly inflated and are not damaged
  • All indicators, headlights and brake lights are working
  • Seat belts are in good working order
  • The windows and interior are clean
  • the vehicle has sufficient petrol to last the course of the lesson
Are automatic cars easier to drive?
Yes, automatic cars are easier to drive. In automatic cars you don't have to worry about clutch control, finding the biting point or what gear you have to be in.
How do I book my driving test?
You can book your driving test by visiting when you are ready. Please coordinate with your instructor about the date time and location of the test.
How many lessons will I need to learn to drive?
A government-approved beginner driver education course is 20 hours of classroom instruction, 10 hours of homework and 10 hours of in-vehicle lessons.

This also depends on the individual, as every student has different abilities, needs, levels of experience and different opportunities to practice.

Should I learn to drive in an automatic or manual car?
Walkley Driving School suggests to take driving lessons in automatic transmission. Here is more information
When will I be ready to go for the practical test?
You are eligible for your road test after 12 months from the day you get your G1 licence. Students who have completed their Beginner driver Education course are eligible after 8 months from the day they get their G1 licence.
Is it possible to start a beginner driver's Education course without having my G1 licence?
Yes, you can take in-class sessions without obtaining your G1 licence but for in-vehicle driving training, you must have your G1 license.
What do I need for classroom lessons?
Please bring your driver’s license, pen, and fees you can pay by Cash, cheque, PayPal, Interac e-transfer visa or master card.
What do I need for in-vehcile driving lessons?
Please bring your license to every appointment and your in-vehicle driving lessons and the record sheet that the school provides you during registration.